1st Day of the Winter Feast of Weeks


“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.” 

Exodus 34:22 KJV

Shalawam, the Priesthood of the House of Wisdom will be hosting the 1st Day of the Winter Feast of Weeks. This feast is marked with The Winter Solstice, the longest night of this season. In conjunction with the 1st Day of he Feast of Weeks, the Priests will also be offering sacrifices for the Memorial Blowing of Trumpets!  Most High Willing the Priesthood will convene to honor this feast from so-called December 9th, 2022 through December 11th, 2022. 

During the Feast of Weeks the saints are commanded to begin gathering their wares in preparation for the 50th Day of Ingathering! 

“[4] Thou shalt not appear empty before the Lord. [5] For all these things [are to be done] because of the commandment. [6] The offering of the righteous taketh the altar fat, and the sweet savor thereof is before the Most High”

Ecclesiasticus 35:4-6 KJVA

For more information on these feasts and the ones to come, follow along in your 2022-2023 Calendrical Bible Study guide which can be found at https://shecaniah.com/calendar/


Meet and Greet|9th Month 30th Day 


7th Day Sabbath |Intercalary Day: Winter Solstice


1st Day Feast of Weeks| Memorial Blowing of Trumpets | 10th Month 1st Day 

Information - Step 1 of 7